Hibernate在应用程序和数据库之间增加了一层,用于管理POJO与DB之间的映射关系, 如下图所示
##Bootstrap progress
###Hibernate native bootstrap
ServiceRegistryBuilder –> ServiceRegistry –> MetaSources –> MetadataBuilder –> Metadata –> SessionFactoryBuilder –> SessionFactory –> Session –> Transaction ——> transaction save/commit
The native bootstrapping API is quite flexible, but in most cases it makes the most sense to think of it as a 3 step process:
- Build the StandardServiceRegistry
- Build the Metadata
- Use those 2 things to build the SessionFactory
###JPA-compliant bootstrap
For compliant container-bootstrapping, the container will build an EntityManagerFactory for each persistent-unit defined in the deployment’s META-INF/persistence.xml and make that available to the application for injection via the javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit annotation or via JNDI lookup.
For compliant application-bootstrapping, rather than the container building the EntityManagerFactory for the application, the application builds the EntityManagerFactory itself using the javax.persistence.Persistence bootstrap class. The application creates an entity manager factory by calling the createEntityManagerFactory method.
Persistence context
Entity states
transient - the entity has just been instantiated and is not associated with a persistence context. It has no persistent transient - the entity has just been instantiated and is not associated with a persistence context. It has no persistent representation in the database and typically no identifier value has been assigned.
managed, or persistent - the entity has an associated identifier and is associated with a persistence context. It may or may not physically exist in the database yet.
detached - the entity has an associated identifier, but is no longer associated with a persistence context (usually because the persistence context was closed or the instance was evicted from the context)
removed - the entity has an associated identifier and is associated with a persistence context, however it is scheduled for removal from the database.
###Change states
- save/persist
- delete/remove
- getReference, load
- refresh(database –> context)
- flush
- saveOrUpdate
- merge
##Database Access
Although SQL is relatively standardized, each database vendor uses a subset and superset of ANSI SQL defined syntax. This is referred to as the database’s dialect.
- int, or Integer
- short, or Short
- long, or Long
- java.sql.Timestamp
- VERSION(default)
Interceptor: 可以在session域,也可以在sessionFactory域,不过在sessionFactory域的拦截器需要考虑线程安全问题
select_statement :: =
from User
update_statement ::= update_clause [where_clause]
update_clause ::= UPDATE entity_name [[AS] identification_variable]
SET update_item {, update_item}*update_item ::= [identification_variable.]{state_field | single_valued_object_field}
= new_valuenew_value ::= scalar_expression |
simple_entity_expression |
update Customer c set c.name = "sunyiwei", c.age = 27 where c.id = 27
update versioned Customer c set c.name = "patrick" where c.id = 27 //version
delete_statement ::= delete_clause [where_clause]
delete_clause ::= DELETE FROM entity_name [[AS] identification_variable]
- delete from Custom c where c.id = 27
###insert(HQL only)
insert_statement ::= insert_clause select_statement
insert_clause ::= INSERT INTO entity_name (attribute_list)
attribute_list ::= state_field[, state_field ]*e.g.
insert into Custom c (name, age) select name, age from Custom where id=27
####1. identification variables(alias)
####2. root entity reference
####3. explicit join: [left join, inner join] fetch sth with someCondition
####4. implicit join
select c
from Customer c
where c.chiefExecutive.age < 25// same as
select c
from Customer c
inner join c.chiefExecutive ceo
where ceo.age < 25
===========> 13.4
- @Basic: 基本上可以不用
- @Column: 当默认的列名不符合需要时,可以通过这个注解来进行修改
- @Enumerated
- ORDINAL: 整型数据,按enum中的ordinal来映射
- NAME: 字符串类型,按enum中的name来映射
- AttributeConverter + @Converter
- @Embeddable
- @Embedded
- 多个复合类型时,会遇到类型匹配的问题,此时需要引入@AttributeOverride来解决,具体可以查看AttributeOverride的注解
According to JPA only the following types should be used as identifier attribute types:
- any Java primitive type
- any primitive wrapper type
- java.lang.String
- java.util.Date (TemporalType#DATE)
- java.sql.Date
- java.math.BigDecimal
- java.math.BigInteger
复杂类型: 说明
- @EmbeddedId
- @IdClass
自动产生ID的策略: GenerationType
- AUTO (顺序为: SequenctGenerator –> TableGenerator –> GenericGenerator)